Wellbeing Classes
We have a wonderful diverse weekly class list which you can see here at a glance.
Scroll down for full list / details and to book.
Please note: classes are run by individuals (not the Woodfield) so please check with the instructor to make sure there are no amendments to schedules.
9:30-10:30 Yoga with Harriet (Main Hall)
11:00-13:00 Tai Chi with Derek (Main Hall)
6:15 – 7:00 Yoga with Harriet (Upper Hall)
7:30 – 8:30 Yoga with Nell (Main Hall)
7:30 – 8:30 Yoga with Nell (Upper Hall) -
9:15-10:30 Yoga with Nell (Main Hall)
10:50-11:50 Maggie’s Dance (Main Hall)
7:30-8:30 Pilates with Jane (Main Hall) -
10:00-12:00 Dance to Health (Main Hall)
6:15-7:15 Yoga with Harriet (Main Hall) -
7:00-7:55 Pilates with Serena (Upper Hall)
8:00-8:55 Pilates with Serena (Upper Hall)
9:15-10:30 Yoga with Nell (Main Hall) -
9:15-10:30 Yoga with Nell (Main Hall)
7:15-8:15 Pilates with Jane (Main Hall)
8:45-9:45 Yoga with Harriet (Main Hall)
10:00-5:00 Rites For Girls with Nicki (Upper Hall) -
Qi Gong & Tai Chi
Beginners courses in Qi Gong & Tai Chi
A beginner-friendly class. A rewarding experience that is both dynamic and relaxing.
Learn new physical, mental, and emotional skills. Whether you want to find some peace and quiet or work on your strength and flexibility, come and try something new.
Discounts are available for those on benefits or in full-time education.
Get in touch for more information.
07957 430 145
Community Yoga with Harriet
Mondays / Wednesdays / Saturdays
Vinyasa flow yoga is a creative form of yoga, based on the principles of Ashtanga Yoga, poses are linked together with the breath in a flowing sequence.
Please bring your own mat, props will be available.
Monday: 9.30am (1hr) & 6.15pm (45min)
Outdoor yoga class on the common through the summer/we move inside if the weather isn’t kind & from the 9th September we are inside up in the attic.
Wednesday: 6.15pm (50min)
Saturday: 9am (50min)
Contact Harriet on 07776121307 to book your mat space or for more information
Men on the Mat
Mondays: 7:30 - 8:30pm
Yoga is for everyone and it’s not about touching your toes! It’s about increasing strength, mobility and flexibility and improving posture to reduce injury. It’s a complement to all sports notably cycling, running, tennis and golf.
Come and try a first class for free.
Please bring your own mat and yoga belt, limited equipment is provided.
To book contact nell@yoga-forever.com
All abilities
Tuesdays 9:20 to 10:35am
Thursdays / Fridays - 9:15 to 10:30am
Nell has been teaching yoga for nearly 30 years and can adapt postures to newer students and challenge those with more experience. Yoga helps increase flexibility, muscle tone and reduce injury.
To book contact nell@yoga-forever.com
Maggie’s Dance Class
All abilities
Tuesdays: 10:50 - 11:50am
Maggie will start with a physical warm up followed by a routine choreographed to an iconic dance track from the last 50 years. Knees not what they used to be? No worries…everyone’s welcome!
Get into the groove, keep active and have fun with professional Choreographer & Movement Director Maggie Rawlinson.
For enquiries and to book contact 1maggierawlinson@gmail.com
Pilates with Jane
All abilities
Tuesdays / Saturdays
Jane Teaches her unique Pilates Flow Classes at the Woodfield Pavilion on Tuesday Evenings, 7.30pm and Saturday Mornings at 7.20am.
To book please go to https://www.janewake.com/book-online and click on ‘In The Studio - Person to Person’
Dance to Health
is a FREE nationwide falls-prevention dance class.
Wednesdays: 10 - 12pm
Join professional dance artist Charlotte Morrell to explore your creativity, improve balance, build strength, and most importantly, have a fun, social time. The programme is so effective at reducing falls in older people, and improving wellbeing, that it has become the only class of its kind with NHS approval.
To book your place contact Kayla on 07387 504 889 or Noyale at NoyaleColin@ae-sop.org
Pilates & Movement with Serena
All levels
Thursdays: 7 - 7:55am and 8 - 8:55am
Enjoy the benefits of Pilates classes and want to do more? Been told “you really should do Pilates…”? Unsure about group exercise classes? Or wondering what all the fuss is about?
Whatever your current level of fitness, join and increase your movement vocabulary.
You can find out more information or book by going to serenajoyoliver.com or emailing serenajoypilates@gmail.com.'
Rites for Girls
10-12 year old girls (years 6 &7)
Saturday: 9.30am - 5.30pm
A fun monthly group guiding girls safely towards their teens.
Rites for Girls offers mentoring for girls right through their adolescence. In Girls Journeying Together groups, pre-teen girls prepare for puberty and learn how to take charge of their social, and emotional well-being. Guided by a trained mentor, girls explore social media pressure, positive friendships, inspirational women, finding their voice and a whole range of topics whilst dreaming into their futures. It’s a lot of fun and the girls make great friends. We want to make growing up an easier, safer, and better supported journey
To book or make enquiries contact Nicki Brown 07966 159823 / nicki@ritesforgirls.co.uk