Our fifth AGM is coming on the 16th of July, from 7pm. Our agenda is outlined below:
(1) Apologies.
(2) Introduction of Trustees and manager to the meeting.
(3) Minutes of the last AGM (15 May 2018). For adoption.
(4) The Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2018. For noting and acceptance.
(5) Election of trustees, and reappointment of Independent Financial Reviewer.
Under Clauses 13 (1) of TWP’s constitution, Stephen Lacey and Sue Sheehan will retire. They have declared themselves willing to serve a further term and have been nominated to serve again by Anthony Gilmour and Liz Powell.
Caroline Negus has agreed to be reappointed as an Independent Financial Reviewer.
(6) Any other urgent business.
(7) An outline from our manager, Joe, who will outline how he has found things so far, and his vision for Woodfield going forward.
(8) Open forum for discussion
Supporting documents: signed accounts and minutes of last AGM.